Sidr Honey

sidr honey

FAMILY: Rhamnaceae
GENUS: Ziziphus
SPECIES: spina-christi
OTHER NAMES: lote, jujube, nabbag, nabkh, al-sidr tree

What is Sidr honey?


The first question that comes to anyone’s mind upon hearing the name of this honey is, what is meant by Sidr honey?

Sidr honey, also known as Konar, refers to honey produced by bees from the nectar of Sidr (Ziziphus spina-christi) tree blossoms.

The Sidr tree is a native and self-growing tree in the southern regions of the country, scattered in the provinces of Khuzestan, parts of Fars, Bushehr, Hormozgan, and Sistan and Baluchestan. The dried and crushed leaves of this tree are what are sold in herbal shops under the name Sidr.

The flowering season of the Sidr tree starts from early to mid-October, depending on the region of growth, and continues for one month, until mid-November, which is the right time to harvest Konar honey.

sidr honey

During this time (Mehr and Aban), beekeepers from various parts of Iran migrate their apiaries to areas with Sidr vegetation cover to harvest Sidr honey.

An important point about Konar honey is that due to the flowering season of this tree (early autumn) and the absence of almost any other flower in these areas, conditions are very conducive for harvesting pure and single-flower Konar honey.

Characteristics of Sidr Honey

Before discussing the properties of Konar honey, we should talk a bit about its characteristics, as Konar honey has features that are different from other honeys, and understanding them helps us make better choices in purchasing and consuming it.

Sucrose in Sidr Honey

One of the most discussed features of Konar honey is its sucrose content. Generally, according to Iranian standards, natural honey should contain less than 5% sucrose. However, natural and pure Konar honey is an exception among honeys and usually contains more than 5% sucrose.

It should be noted that the high sucrose content in Konar honey is not a sign of its poor quality; rather, Konar honey naturally has a high sucrose content due to its nectar source, the blossoms of the Sidr tree, which contain high levels of sucrose.

Therefore, the quality of Konar honey should not be judged solely based on its sucrose content, and other factors such as proline, diastase, and HMF should be considered.

The sucrose content of freshly harvested Konar honey is usually between 7 to 14, which decreases over time, and after one or two months, its sucrose content decreases.

Color of Sidr Honey

Generally, Konar honey comes in different colors, depending on two important factors.

Type of Sidr tree and harvesting area: The first and most important factor is the type of Sidr tree and other plants surrounding the apiary. The Sidr tree has more than 40 different species, each producing honey with different tastes and final colors.

For example, the color of Konar honey harvested from the Sidr trees in Khuzestan province is completely different from the color of Konar honey harvested in Kangan county in Fars province. Konar honey comes in shades of muddy green, brown, and agate.

Storage time: The second factor is the duration of storing Konar honey. This is because Konar honey is usually light in color at the beginning of harvesting and gradually darkens over time. Depending on the type of Sidr tree, it may turn completely black or agate after a few months.

Scent and Taste of Sidr Honey

One of the characteristics that have made Konar honey popular among people, especially in the countries bordering the Persian Gulf, is its unique scent and taste.

If Sidr honey is harvested in its pure form, the scent and taste of Sidr blossoms are clearly felt in it. Although taste and scent are subjective, most people, especially children, enjoy this flavor.

Crystallization of Sidr Honey

As we explained earlier in the article on honey crystallization, natural honey tends to crystallize over time depending on the nectar it originates from. The time it takes for honey to crystallize varies greatly among different types of honey, ranging from as short as one or two weeks after harvesting for some honeys to much longer, up to one or two years after harvesting for others.

Konar honey is categorized among honeys that crystallize slowly, meaning it starts to crystallize fresh after one or two years from harvesting, and this is entirely natural.

Nature of Sidr Honey

Sidr honey also differs from other honeys in terms of its nature. Since the nature of the fruit and leaves of the Sidr tree is cool, the nature of the nectar of this plant is considered to be less warm according to traditional medicine and is classified as moderate. Therefore, those who usually avoid consuming honey due to its warm nature can use Konar honey.

Benefits of Sidr Honey

The benefits of Konar  honey are as special and unique as its properties, and it is these benefits that have drawn considerable attention to this honey. Below are some of the most important benefits of Konar honey for health and beauty:

1. Skin and Hair Health

While we mentioned in the article on the benefits of honey for the skin that all types of honey are beneficial for treating skin problems, Konar honey has special properties for the skin and hair of individuals.

In general, due to its moderate nature, Konar honey is a good remedy for eliminating facial acne and pimples, and its topical application on the scalp strengthens hair roots and refreshes the scalp’s skin. Additionally, the combination of this honey with aloe vera is considered a very suitable mask for the skin.

2. Benefits of Sidr Honey for Men

Another benefit of Sidr honey mentioned in various sources is its ability to enhance sexual potency in men. One of the reasons Konar honey is popular in Arab countries is precisely this property. In these countries, Konar honey is referred to as “sexual honey.”

The reason for this property is attributed to various factors, including the presence of minerals and other special nutrients in this honey and the Sidr plant.

To enhance this property of Konar honey, you can mix it with pollen and/or royal jelly.

3. Treating Constipation with Sidr Honey

Constipation is a common condition among individuals with various causes, including diet, genetics, etc. One of the important remedies in treating this condition is lactulose syrup.

In a study conducted in Saudi Arabia on 1000 constipated patients, 500 patients were treated with lactulose syrup, and 500 patients were treated with Sidr honey.

The results showed that in individuals treated with Konar honey, the treatment duration decreased, their stools softened in fewer days, and its duration of efficacy was much longer compared to lactulose syrup.

4. Strengthening the Body and Alleviating Weakness in Children and Adults

Another benefit of Sidr honey is its ability to strengthen the physique of children and elderly individuals. Konar honey is a very useful source for these individuals due to its minerals and vitamins.

Consumption of honey in children can lead to better weight gain during growth periods and prevent the onset of many diseases at a young age.

Konar honey also has special health benefits for elderly individuals. Because of its pleasant taste and aroma, these individuals are more inclined to consume it. Furthermore, the presence of various carbohydrates, vitamins, enzymes, etc., inside this honey helps them perform their daily activities better.

5. Improvement of Gastric Ulcers and Digestive Aid

Sidr honey, due to its special antibacterial and antioxidant properties, can prevent the formation of gastric ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. It can also aid in the healing process if gastric ulcers occur.

Sidr honey improves gastric function and prevents gastric reflux. It is also recommended for individuals suffering from irritable bowel syndrome to incorporate Sidr honey into their diet.

6. Boosting the Immune System

As we mentioned, Sidr honey, or Sidr, is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals. The presence of these free radicals in the body can lead to diseases such as cancer and arthritis.

Therefore, due to its special antioxidant properties compared to other honeys, Sidr honey can strengthen the immune system and prevent many diseases caused by weakened immune systems.

7. Wound Healing with Sidr Honey

We previously discussed in detail in a separate article about the healing properties of honey for wounds and mentioned that natural honey is an appropriate ointment for various types of wounds.

Among honeys, however, Konar honey has special importance for wound healing and can expedite the healing process due to its high antioxidant properties.

Is Sidr Honey Superior to Other Honeys?

Sometimes we hear people say that Konar honey is better than other types of honey, or Konar honey is better than clover honey, etc., and they seek the best type of honey.

Generally, no honey is superior to another. Each honey has its own unique properties depending on the nectar it comes from and may be more beneficial for treating certain diseases.

On the other hand, an important factor when purchasing any type of honey is its taste. For example, although Konar honey has a very pleasant taste, it may not be compatible with everyone’s palate, and some may prefer honeys with a milder taste like clover honey.

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